
What is Reiki?

I hear you ask.

Reiki is a traditional Japanese practice that promotes relaxation and healing by providing balancing energy to the person who receives it.

How is it pronounced?

“Rei” as in “ray” of light

“Ki” as in the “key” to your well-being



What does “Reiki” actually mean?

My favorite translation of Reiki is “universal life force energy” or “spiritually guided life force energy”.  Wow! Powerful, right? Rei is the Japanese concept of an all-knowingness, or wisdom of the higher power/universe.  Ki is “life force energy” — energy that flows around and through us and allows life.  (You may have heard of Qigong or Tai Chi - qi or chi is the same idea as ki.)

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How does Reiki work?

Reiki is easy to receive.  The person receiving wears comfortable clothes and sits or lies down, usually on a massage table.  The practitioner (me) uses a series of light or hovering touch hand positions to invite the balance and harmony of the universal life force energy.  Reiki sends this energy where the recipient needs healing the most, whether physical, mental, spiritual, or emotional.

The hand positions correspond to the body’s energy centers (chakras) and may include any area of the physical body that needs healing.

So, is Reiki massage?

Reiki does not involve massage or muscle / physical manipulation of the person receiving.


How do I know Reiki is working?

Based on what clients have shared, during a Reiki session you may feel any number of sensations, including muscle or emotional release and internal energetic movement. You may feel immediate relief of pain and have an easier time breathing. One person shared that while they didn’t notice any unique sensations during the treatment, afterward they felt relaxed and had a great night’s sleep!



Does Reiki cure whatever ails me?

The intention of Reiki is to restore energetic balance in a person, to allow for self-healing, as we are designed to do.

That said — and consider this the “non-claims” section — a Reiki treatment does not claim to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness, disease, or injury.  Nor would I suggest it take the place of any other health and wellness practice or modality you may employ.

Reiki can be effective on its own, or as a complement to other self-care practices.


After Reiki treatment, I expect that

You’ll feel more centered, relaxed, and peaceful.

All you have to do is relax and receive.